Just some random thoughts of a 20 something...and maybe a few cat pics along the way.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Unsupportive me

Seriously, my life revolves being supportive to people ALL THE TIME. I knew that this job would be a lot of YOU and less ME. I am ok with that. Most times I enjoy being the supportive, caring, positive view person. However the last few weeks I have been having a difficult time being supportive of my friends and family. I scream in my head, SUCK IT UP. Or even better, QUIT YOUR BITCHING AND BE POSITIVE. I know, I'm a terrible person and I am not perfect. I have had an easy-ish life and don't know true hardships. I can agree to that. But this problem goes beyond my just screaming in my head. I am now just not paying attention when people come to talk to me. Especially if it is an ongoing issue that I may have been supportive of many, many times. I just can't seem to lift my eyes away from the computer or book long enough to say "poor you". I am turning into my mother-in-law.

Perhaps I need a support break. A time where there are no worries and no concerns and I can become re-supportive. Maybe now that I am done school and feel bored at my job my supportive time has run out and its time to relocate. Or maybe I am just turning into a stone cold bitch.

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