Just some random thoughts of a 20 something...and maybe a few cat pics along the way.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Nice people....

So here I was, driving as fast as I could without getting a ticket to present my final paper for my Masters. I was running a little behind, and traffic was slow. I finally get to the school and look for parking. I am parked ALL THE WAY in the back, no big deal right? I am wearing 3 inch heals and running to the parking meeter. The meeter looks rather funny, like something is wrong. I should have kept walking to the other one, however being the curious person I needed to see that it was out of order. The next meeter was ALL THE WAY down the lot. Looking at the time i decided it was time to toss the heal and run barefoot to the next meeter. Yes, barefoot in a parking lot in the middle of the city. Judge me if you must but I was panicking.
Arriving at the finally working meeter I insert my visa and was told that the meeter could not read my ( new chip) card. F***! Looking at my watch, I am now 5 minutes late for what might be the most important presentation yet. My cell phone is ringing with my professor wanting to know A) where I am and B) what room she needs to go to. Trying to run and explain the situation and find enough change to park is making me sweat, a lot. Like dripping foundation and frizzy hair. From out in the distance I hear "Excuse me!!"... There was the voice of an angel, my angel.. a young woman who was leaving and offered me her parking pass. I took it said a quick thanks and RAN TO MY CAR.

I didn't get to thank her enough. I didn't get to tell her how her act of kindness saved me. I didn't get to say properly how much in this day and age I appreciated what she did, even if it was a small act. So...

To the wonderful, kind lady who gave me her parking pass on Friday April 16 at 10:30 am at Centennial College, Progress Campus, Thank you. Thank you Thank you. I am sorry I ran off with it so quickly, I am sorry that I didn't stop to thank you more. I will forever be grateful for what you did. And after I left, I put the pass in the slot of a machine hoping that someone will find it and use it. Pay it forward baby.

So there are still nice people out there. I encountered one of them, and I hope that I will get to BE ONE OF THEM.

By the way, I did my presentation and pass... with an A+. I now have an MA.

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